/* * event_reason.c - Part of AFD, an automatic file distribution program. * Copyright (c) 2007 - 2015 Holger Kiehl <Holger.Kiehl@dwd.de> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "afddefs.h" DESCR__S_M3 /* ** NAME ** event_reason - functions for showing event reason for host ** ** SYNOPSIS ** void popup_event_reason(int x_root, int y_root, int host_no) ** void destroy_event_reason(void) ** ** DESCRIPTION ** The function popup_event_reason() pops up a window showing ** the event reason. ** destroy_event_reason() destroys this window. ** ** RETURN VALUES ** None ** ** AUTHOR ** H.Kiehl ** ** HISTORY ** 09.08.2007 H.Kiehl Created ** */ DESCR__E_M3 #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> /* strtol() */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #ifdef HAVE_MMAP # include <sys/mman.h> /* mmap(), munmap() */ # ifndef MAP_FILE /* Required for BSD */ # define MAP_FILE 0 /* All others do not need it */ # endif #endif #include <errno.h> #include "gafd_ctrl.h" #include <Xm/Xm.h> #include <Xm/Form.h> #include <Xm/Label.h> #include "logdefs.h" /* External global variables. */ extern Display *display; extern Widget appshell; extern unsigned long color_pool[]; extern unsigned int glyph_height, glyph_width; extern char *p_work_dir; extern struct filetransfer_status *fsa; /* Local global variables. */ static Widget event_reason_shell = NULL; /* Local function prototypes. */ static void er_input(Widget, XtPointer, XEvent *), get_event_reason(char *, char *); /*######################## popup_event_reason() #########################*/ void popup_event_reason(int x_root, int y_root, int host_no) { if (event_reason_shell != NULL) { destroy_event_reason(); } if ((fsa[host_no].host_status & HOST_ERROR_ACKNOWLEDGED) || (fsa[host_no].host_status & HOST_ERROR_OFFLINE) || (fsa[host_no].host_status & HOST_ERROR_ACKNOWLEDGED_T) || (fsa[host_no].host_status & HOST_ERROR_OFFLINE_T) || ((fsa[host_no].host_status & HOST_ERROR_OFFLINE_STATIC) && (fsa[host_no].error_counter > fsa[host_no].max_errors))) { char event_reason[MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH + 2 + MAX_EVENT_REASON_LENGTH + 1]; event_reason[0] = '\0'; if (fsa[host_no].host_status & HOST_ERROR_OFFLINE_STATIC) { (void)strcpy(event_reason, STATIC_EVENT_REASON); } else { get_event_reason(event_reason, fsa[host_no].host_alias); } if (event_reason[0] != '\0') { Widget event_reason_label, form; XmString x_string; int display_height, display_width, lines, max_length, over_hang, str_length; char *ptr; /* Lets determine how many lines we are able to display. */ display_height = DisplayHeight(display, DefaultScreen(display)); max_length = lines = 0; ptr = event_reason; while (*ptr != '\0') { str_length = 0; while ((*(ptr + str_length) != '\n') && (*(ptr + str_length) != '\0')) { str_length++; } if (*(ptr + str_length) == '\n') { str_length++; } lines++; if (str_length > max_length) { max_length = str_length; } ptr += str_length; } event_reason_shell = XtVaCreatePopupShell("event_reason_shell", topLevelShellWidgetClass, appshell, XtNoverrideRedirect, True, XtNallowShellResize, True, XtNmappedWhenManaged, False, XtNsensitive, True, XtNwidth, 1, XtNheight, 1, XtNborderWidth, 0, NULL); XtManageChild(event_reason_shell); XtAddEventHandler(event_reason_shell, ButtonPressMask | Button1MotionMask, False, (XtEventHandler)er_input, NULL); form = XtVaCreateWidget("event_reason_box", xmFormWidgetClass, event_reason_shell, NULL); XtManageChild(form); display_width = DisplayWidth(display, DefaultScreen(display)); over_hang = display_width - (x_root + (max_length * glyph_width)); if (over_hang < 0) { x_root += over_hang; } over_hang = display_height - (y_root + (lines * glyph_height)); if (over_hang < 0) { y_root += over_hang; } XMoveResizeWindow(display, XtWindow(event_reason_shell), x_root, y_root, max_length * glyph_width, lines * glyph_height); x_string = XmStringCreateLocalized(event_reason); event_reason_label = XtVaCreateWidget("event_reason_label", xmLabelWidgetClass, form, XmNlabelString, x_string, XtNbackground, color_pool[WHITE], XtNforeground, color_pool[BLACK], NULL); XtManageChild(event_reason_label); XmStringFree(x_string); XtAddEventHandler(event_reason_label, ButtonPressMask | LeaveWindowMask, False, (XtEventHandler)destroy_event_reason, NULL); XtPopup(event_reason_shell, XtGrabNone); XRaiseWindow(display, XtWindow(event_reason_shell)); } } else { destroy_event_reason(); } return; } /*####################### destroy_event_reason() ########################*/ void destroy_event_reason(void) { if (event_reason_shell != NULL) { XtDestroyWidget(event_reason_shell); event_reason_shell = NULL; } return; } /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ er_input() ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ static void er_input(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XEvent *event) { destroy_event_reason(); return; } /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++ get_event_reason() +++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ static void get_event_reason(char *reason_str, char *host_alias) { int fd, i, max_event_log_files, type; char log_file[MAX_PATH_LENGTH], *p_log_file, *ptr, *src; struct stat stat_buf; /* Always reset reason_str, so we do not display incoreect data. */ reason_str[0] = '\0'; /* Get the maximum event log file number. */ (void)sprintf(log_file, "%s%s%s", p_work_dir, ETC_DIR, AFD_CONFIG_FILE); if ((eaccess(log_file, F_OK) == 0) && (read_file_no_cr(log_file, &src, YES, __FILE__, __LINE__) != INCORRECT)) { char value[MAX_INT_LENGTH + 1]; if (get_definition(src, MAX_EVENT_LOG_FILES_DEF, value, MAX_INT_LENGTH) != NULL) { max_event_log_files = atoi(value); } else { max_event_log_files = MAX_EVENT_LOG_FILES; } free(src); } else { max_event_log_files = MAX_EVENT_LOG_FILES; } /* Prepare log file name. */ p_log_file = log_file; p_log_file += sprintf(log_file, "%s%s/%s", p_work_dir, LOG_DIR, EVENT_LOG_NAME); for (i = 0; i < max_event_log_files; i++) { (void)sprintf(p_log_file, "%d", i); if (stat(log_file, &stat_buf) < 0) { if (errno == ENOENT) { /* For some reason the file is not there. So lets */ /* assume we have found nothing. */; } else { (void)xrec(WARN_DIALOG, "Failed to stat() %s : %s (%s %d)", log_file, strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); } return; } if (stat_buf.st_size == 0) { return; } if ((fd = open(log_file, O_RDONLY)) == -1) { (void)xrec(FATAL_DIALOG, "Failed to open() %s : %s (%s %d)", log_file, strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } #ifdef HAVE_MMAP if ((src = mmap(0, stat_buf.st_size, PROT_READ, (MAP_FILE | MAP_SHARED), fd, 0)) == (caddr_t) -1) { (void)xrec(FATAL_DIALOG, "Failed to mmap() %s : %s (%s %d)", log_file, strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); (void)close(fd); return; } #else if ((src = malloc(stat_buf.st_size)) == NULL) { (void)xrec(FATAL_DIALOG, "malloc() error : %s (%s %d)", strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); (void)close(fd); return; } if (read(fd, src, stat_buf.st_size) != stat_buf.st_size) { (void)xrec(FATAL_DIALOG, "Failed to read() from %s : %s (%s %d)", log_file, strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); free(src); (void)close(fd); return; } #endif if (close(fd) == -1) { system_log(DEBUG_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "close() error : %s", strerror(errno)); } ptr = src + stat_buf.st_size - 2; /* * Lets first search for an EA_OFFLINE or EA_ACKNOWLEDGE event * for this host. */ while (ptr > src) { while ((ptr > src) && (*ptr != '\n')) { ptr--; } if ((ptr > src) && (*ptr == '\n') && (*(ptr + 1) != ' ')) { ptr++; HEX_CHAR_TO_INT((*(ptr + LOG_DATE_LENGTH + 1))); if (type == EC_HOST) { HEX_CHAR_TO_INT((*(ptr + LOG_DATE_LENGTH + 3))); if (type == ET_MAN) { int k; unsigned int event_action_no; char str_number[MAX_INT_LENGTH + 1], *tmp_ptr; tmp_ptr = ptr; ptr += LOG_DATE_LENGTH + 5; k = 0; do { str_number[k] = *(ptr + k); k++; } while ((*(ptr + k) != SEPARATOR_CHAR) && (*(ptr + k) != '\n') && (k < MAX_INT_LENGTH)); str_number[k] = '\0'; event_action_no = (unsigned int)strtoul(str_number, NULL, 16); if ((event_action_no == EA_ACKNOWLEDGE) || (event_action_no == EA_OFFLINE)) { ptr += k; if (*ptr == SEPARATOR_CHAR) { ptr++; k = 0; while ((*(ptr + k) != SEPARATOR_CHAR) && (*(ptr + k) != '\n') && (*(ptr + k) == *(host_alias + k))) { k++; } if (((*(ptr + k) == SEPARATOR_CHAR) || (*(ptr + k) == '\n')) && (*(host_alias + k) == '\0')) { ptr += k; if (*ptr == SEPARATOR_CHAR) { ptr++; k = 0; /* Store user. */ while ((*(ptr + k) != SEPARATOR_CHAR) && (*(ptr + k) != '\n')) { *(reason_str + k) = *(ptr + k); k++; } if (*(ptr + k) == SEPARATOR_CHAR) { int j; *(reason_str + k) = '\n'; k += 1; j = k; while (*(ptr + k) != '\n') { if (*(ptr + k) == '%') { char hex_char[3]; hex_char[0] = *(ptr + k + 1); hex_char[1] = *(ptr + k + 2); hex_char[2] = '\0'; *(reason_str + j) = (char)strtol(hex_char, NULL, 16); k += 3; j += 1; } else { *(reason_str + j) = *(ptr + k); j++; k++; } } *(reason_str + j) = '\0'; } else { *(reason_str + k) = '\0'; } /* Free all memory we have allocated. */ #ifdef HAVE_MMAP if (munmap(src, stat_buf.st_size) < 0) { (void)xrec(ERROR_DIALOG, "munmap() error : %s (%s %d)", strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); } #else free(src); #endif return; } else { ptr = tmp_ptr - 2; } } else { ptr = tmp_ptr - 2; } } else { ptr = tmp_ptr - 2; } } else { ptr = tmp_ptr - 2; } } else { ptr -= 2; } } else { ptr -= 2; } } else { ptr--; } } /* Free all memory we have allocated. */ #ifdef HAVE_MMAP if (munmap(src, stat_buf.st_size) < 0) { (void)xrec(ERROR_DIALOG, "munmap() error : %s (%s %d)", strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); } #else free(src); #endif } return; }