/* * trans_exec.c - Part of AFD, an automatic file distribution program. * Copyright (c) 2001 - 2019 Holger Kiehl <Holger.Kiehl@dwd.de> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "afddefs.h" DESCR__S_M3 /* ** NAME ** trans_exec - execute a command for a file that has just been send. ** ** SYNOPSIS ** void trans_exec(char *file_path, ** char *fullname, ** char *p_file_name_buffer, ** clock_t clktck) ** ** DESCRIPTION ** ** RETURN VALUES ** None. If we fail to log the fail name, all that happens the next ** time is that the complete file gets send again. ** ** AUTHOR ** H.Kiehl ** ** HISTORY ** 22.05.2001 H.Kiehl Created ** 11.02.2007 H.Kiehl Added locking option. ** 03.08.2017 H.Kiehl Allow user to specify with the %n parameter ** the full new name. ** */ DESCR__E_M3 #include <stdio.h> /* snprintf() */ #include <stdlib.h> /* free() */ #include <string.h> /* strerror() */ #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> /* geteuid() */ #include <errno.h> #include "fddefs.h" /* External global variables. */ extern int fsa_fd, simulation_mode, transfer_log_fd; extern struct filetransfer_status *fsa; extern struct job db; /*############################ trans_exec() #############################*/ void trans_exec(char *file_path, char *fullname, char *p_file_name_buffer, clock_t clktck) { char *p_command, tmp_connect_status; if (simulation_mode == YES) { return; } tmp_connect_status = fsa->job_status[(int)db.job_no].connect_status; fsa->job_status[(int)db.job_no].connect_status = POST_EXEC; p_command = db.trans_exec_cmd; while ((*p_command == ' ') || (*p_command == '\t')) { p_command++; } if ((*p_command == '\n') || (*p_command == '\0')) { trans_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, NULL, "No command specified for executing. Ignoring this option."); } else { register int ii = 0, k = 0; int doit; char *p_end = p_command, *p_tmp_dir, *insert_list[MAX_EXEC_FILE_SUBSTITUTION], insert_type[MAX_EXEC_FILE_SUBSTITUTION], tmp_option[1024 + 1], command_str[3 + MAX_PATH_LENGTH + 4 + 1024 + 2], *return_str = NULL; while ((*p_end != '\n') && (*p_end != '\0') && (ii < MAX_EXEC_FILE_SUBSTITUTION) && (k < 1024)) { if ((*p_end == '%') && ((*(p_end + 1) == 's') || (*(p_end + 1) == 'n'))) { tmp_option[k] = *p_end; tmp_option[k + 1] = *(p_end + 1); insert_list[ii] = &tmp_option[k]; insert_type[ii] = *(p_end + 1); ii++; p_end += 2; k += 2; } else { tmp_option[k] = *p_end; p_end++; k++; } } if (ii >= MAX_EXEC_FILE_SUBSTITUTION) { trans_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, NULL, "To many %%s in pexec option. Can oly handle %d.", MAX_EXEC_FILE_SUBSTITUTION); } tmp_option[k] = '\0'; p_command = tmp_option; if ((db.special_flag & EXECUTE_IN_TARGET_DIR) && (db.protocol & LOC_FLAG)) { doit = YES; p_tmp_dir = NULL; } else { /* * Create a temporary directory in which the user can execute * the commands. We do not want the manipulated files in the * archive. After the user commands are executed the files * in the temporary directory and the directory will be * removed. This is not efficient, but is the simplest way * to implement this. */ p_tmp_dir = file_path + strlen(file_path); (void)strcpy(p_tmp_dir, "/.tmp"); if ((mkdir(file_path, DIR_MODE) == -1) && (errno != EEXIST)) { trans_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, NULL, "Failed to mkdir() %s : %s", file_path, strerror(errno)); doit = NO; } else { *(p_tmp_dir + 5) = '/'; (void)strcpy(p_tmp_dir + 6, p_file_name_buffer); if (copy_file(fullname, file_path, NULL) < 0) { trans_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, NULL, "Failed to copy_file() `%s' to `%s'.", fullname, file_path); *(p_tmp_dir + 5) = '\0'; doit = NEITHER; } else { doit = YES; } } } if (doit == YES) { #ifdef HAVE_SETPRIORITY int sched_priority; #endif char job_str[4]; job_str[0] = '['; job_str[1] = db.job_no + '0'; job_str[2] = ']'; job_str[3] = '\0'; if (p_tmp_dir != NULL) { *(p_tmp_dir + 5) = '\0'; } #ifdef HAVE_SETPRIORITY if (db.exec_base_priority != NO_PRIORITY) { sched_priority = db.exec_base_priority; if (db.add_afd_priority == YES) { sched_priority += (int)(fsa->job_status[(int)db.job_no].unique_name[MAX_MSG_NAME_LENGTH - 1]); if (sched_priority > db.min_sched_priority) { sched_priority = db.min_sched_priority; } else if (sched_priority < db.max_sched_priority) { sched_priority = db.max_sched_priority; } } if ((sched_priority == db.current_priority) || ((db.current_priority > sched_priority) && (geteuid() != 0))) { sched_priority = NO_PRIORITY; } } else { sched_priority = NO_PRIORITY; } #endif if (db.set_trans_exec_lock == YES) { #ifdef LOCK_DEBUG lock_region_w(fsa_fd, db.lock_offset + LOCK_EXEC, __FILE__, __LINE__); #else lock_region_w(fsa_fd, db.lock_offset + LOCK_EXEC); #endif } /* Setup command by inserting the filenames for all %s */ if (ii > 0) { int fullname_checked = NO, length, length_start, mask_file_name = NO, /* Silence compiler. */ p_file_name_buffer_checked = NO, ret; char *fnp, *p_name, tmp_char; insert_list[ii] = &tmp_option[k]; tmp_char = *insert_list[0]; *insert_list[0] = '\0'; length_start = snprintf(command_str, 3 + MAX_PATH_LENGTH + 4 + 1024 + 1, "cd %s && %s", file_path, p_command); *insert_list[0] = tmp_char; /* Generate command string with file name(s). */ length = 0; for (k = 1; k < (ii + 1); k++) { if (insert_type[k - 1] == 'n') { p_name = fullname; } else { p_name = p_file_name_buffer; } if (((insert_type[k - 1] == 'n') && (fullname_checked == NO)) || ((insert_type[k - 1] == 's') && (p_file_name_buffer_checked == NO))) { fnp = p_name; mask_file_name = NO; do { if ((*fnp == ';') || (*fnp == ' ')) { mask_file_name = YES; break; } fnp++; } while (*fnp != '\0'); } tmp_char = *insert_list[k]; *insert_list[k] = '\0'; if (mask_file_name == YES) { length += snprintf(command_str + length_start + length, 3 + MAX_PATH_LENGTH + 4 + 1024 + 1 - (length_start + length), "\"%s\"%s", p_name, insert_list[k - 1] + 2); } else { length += snprintf(command_str + length_start + length, 3 + MAX_PATH_LENGTH + 4 + 1024 + 1 - (length_start + length), "%s%s", p_name, insert_list[k - 1] + 2); } *insert_list[k] = tmp_char; } if ((ret = exec_cmd(command_str, &return_str, transfer_log_fd, fsa->host_dsp_name, MAX_HOSTNAME_LENGTH, #ifdef HAVE_SETPRIORITY sched_priority, #endif job_str, NULL, NULL, clktck, db.trans_exec_timeout, YES, YES)) != 0) /* ie != SUCCESS */ { trans_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, NULL, "Failed to execute command %s [Return code = %d]", command_str, ret); if ((return_str != NULL) && (return_str[0] != '\0')) { char *end_ptr = return_str, *start_ptr; do { start_ptr = end_ptr; while ((*end_ptr != '\n') && (*end_ptr != '\0')) { end_ptr++; } if (*end_ptr == '\n') { *end_ptr = '\0'; end_ptr++; } trans_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, NULL, "%s", start_ptr); } while (*end_ptr != '\0'); } } else { (void)my_strncpy(fsa->job_status[(int)db.job_no].file_name_in_use, command_str, MAX_MSG_NAME_LENGTH + 1); } } else /* Just execute command without file. */ { int ret; if (snprintf(command_str, 3 + MAX_PATH_LENGTH + 4 + 1024 + 1, "cd %s && %s", file_path, p_command) >= (3 + MAX_PATH_LENGTH + 4 + 1024 + 1)) { trans_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, NULL, "Failed to copy full command to buffer since it is longer then %d bytes.", 3 + MAX_PATH_LENGTH + 4 + 1024 + 1); } else { if ((ret = exec_cmd(command_str, &return_str, transfer_log_fd, fsa->host_dsp_name, MAX_HOSTNAME_LENGTH, #ifdef HAVE_SETPRIORITY sched_priority, #endif job_str, NULL, NULL, clktck, db.trans_exec_timeout, YES, YES)) != 0) { trans_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, NULL, "Failed to execute command %s [Return code = %d]", command_str, ret); if ((return_str != NULL) && (return_str[0] != '\0')) { char *end_ptr = return_str, *start_ptr; do { start_ptr = end_ptr; while ((*end_ptr != '\n') && (*end_ptr != '\0')) { end_ptr++; } if (*end_ptr == '\n') { *end_ptr = '\0'; end_ptr++; } trans_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, NULL, "%s", start_ptr); } while (*end_ptr != '\0'); } } else { (void)my_strncpy(fsa->job_status[(int)db.job_no].file_name_in_use, p_command, MAX_MSG_NAME_LENGTH + 1); } } } if (db.set_trans_exec_lock == YES) { #ifdef LOCK_DEBUG unlock_region(fsa_fd, db.lock_offset + LOCK_EXEC, __FILE__, __LINE__); #else unlock_region(fsa_fd, db.lock_offset + LOCK_EXEC); #endif } free(return_str); } if (p_tmp_dir != NULL) { if ((doit == YES) || (doit == NEITHER)) { if (rec_rmdir(file_path) < 0) { trans_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, NULL, "Failed to remove directory %s.", file_path); } } *p_tmp_dir = '\0'; } } fsa->job_status[(int)db.job_no].file_name_in_use[0] = '\0'; fsa->job_status[(int)db.job_no].connect_status = tmp_connect_status; return; }