/* * afdds.c - Part of AFD, an automatic file distribution program. * Copyright (c) 1997 - 2022 Holger Kiehl <Holger.Kiehl@dwd.de> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "afddefs.h" DESCR__S_M1 /* ** NAME ** afdds - TLS TCP command daemon for the AFD ** ** SYNOPSIS ** afdds [--version][-w <AFD working directory>] ** ** DESCRIPTION ** This is a small TLS tcp command server at port AFD_PORT_NO that ** returns information on the AFD. It functions very similar to ** the ftpd except that it does not use a data connection to transmit ** the information. The control connection is used instead. ** ** The following commands are supported: ** HELP [<sp> <command>] - Shows all commands supported or help ** on a specific command. ** QUIT - Terminate service. ** ** RETURN VALUES ** Will exit with INCORRECT when some system call failed. ** ** AUTHOR ** H.Kiehl ** ** HISTORY ** 29.03.2022 H.Kiehl Forked from afdd. ** 21.09.2022 H.Kiehl Allow user to bind to a specific network ** interface. */ DESCR__E_M1 #include <stdio.h> /* fprintf() */ #include <string.h> /* memset() */ #include <stdlib.h> /* atoi(), getenv(), malloc() */ #include <ctype.h> /* isdigit() */ #include <time.h> /* clock_t */ #include <signal.h> /* signal() */ #include <sys/time.h> #ifdef HAVE_SETPRIORITY # include <sys/resource.h> /* setpriority() */ #endif #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/wait.h> /* waitpid() */ #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> /* inet_ntoa() */ #include <openssl/ssl.h> #include <unistd.h> /* close(), select(), sysconf(), pathconf()*/ #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H # include <fcntl.h> #endif #include <netdb.h> #include <errno.h> #include "server_common_defs.h" #include "afddsdefs.h" #include "version.h" /* Global variables. */ int default_log_defs = DEFAULT_AFDD_LOG_DEFS, *ip_log_defs = NULL, log_defs = 0, number_of_trusted_ips, sys_log_fd = STDERR_FILENO; long danger_no_of_jobs; clock_t clktck; pid_t *pid; char afd_config_file[MAX_PATH_LENGTH + ETC_DIR_LENGTH + AFD_CONFIG_FILE_LENGTH + 1], afd_name[MAX_AFD_NAME_LENGTH], hostname[MAX_FULL_USER_ID_LENGTH], *p_work_dir, *p_work_dir_end, **trusted_ip = NULL; struct afd_status *p_afd_status; struct logdata ld[NO_OF_LOGS]; const char *sys_log_name = SYSTEM_LOG_FIFO; /* Local global variables. */ static int in_child = NO, max_afdds_connections = MAX_AFDD_CONNECTIONS, new_sockfd, sockfd, no_of_connections; static SSL_CTX *ctx; /* Local function prototypes. */ static void afdds_exit(void), configure_context(SSL_CTX *), get_afdds_config_value(char *, char *, int *), #ifdef LINUX get_ip_local_port_range(int *, int *), #endif sig_bus(int), sig_exit(int), sig_segv(int), zombie_check(void); /*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ main() $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int length, pos, port, ports_tried = 0, on = 1, status, trusted_ip_pos = -1; my_socklen_t peer_addrlen; char bind_address[MAX_IP_LENGTH + 1], *ptr, port_no[MAX_INT_LENGTH], work_dir[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; fd_set rset; struct servent *p_service; struct protoent *p_protocol; struct sockaddr_in data, peer_address; struct timeval timeout; const SSL_METHOD *method; SSL *ssl; CHECK_FOR_VERSION(argc, argv); /* Initialize variables. */ if (get_afd_path(&argc, argv, work_dir) < 0) { exit(INCORRECT); } p_work_dir = work_dir; p_work_dir_end = work_dir + strlen(work_dir); no_of_connections = 0; (void)strcpy(port_no, DEFAULT_AFD_TLS_PORT_NO); get_afdds_config_value(bind_address, port_no, &max_afdds_connections); if ((pid = malloc((max_afdds_connections * sizeof(pid_t)))) == NULL) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Failed to malloc() %d bytes : %s"), (max_afdds_connections * sizeof(pid_t)), strerror(errno)); exit(INCORRECT); } (void)memset(pid, 0, max_afdds_connections * sizeof(pid_t)); if ((ptr = getenv("LOGNAME")) != NULL) { length = strlen(ptr); if (length > 0) { if ((length + 1) < MAX_FULL_USER_ID_LENGTH) { (void)strcpy(hostname, ptr); (void)strcat(hostname, "@"); length++; } else { memcpy(hostname, ptr, MAX_FULL_USER_ID_LENGTH - 1); hostname[MAX_FULL_USER_ID_LENGTH - 1] = '\0'; length = MAX_FULL_USER_ID_LENGTH; } } else { #if MAX_FULL_USER_ID_LENGTH > 8 (void)strcpy(hostname, "unknown@"); length = 8; #else hostname[0] = '\0'; length = 0; #endif } } else { #if MAX_FULL_USER_ID_LENGTH > 8 (void)strcpy(hostname, "unknown@"); length = 8; #else hostname[0] = '\0'; length = 0; #endif } if (length < MAX_FULL_USER_ID_LENGTH) { if (gethostname(&hostname[length], MAX_FULL_USER_ID_LENGTH - length) != 0) { if ((length + 7) < MAX_FULL_USER_ID_LENGTH) { (void)strcpy(&hostname[length], "unknown"); } } } port = atoi(port_no); if (get_afd_name(afd_name) == INCORRECT) { afd_name[0] = '\0'; } peer_addrlen = sizeof(peer_address); /* Initialize the log structure. */ (void)memset(ld, 0, (NO_OF_LOGS * sizeof(struct logdata))); /* Do some cleanups when we exit. */ if (atexit(afdds_exit) != 0) { system_log(FATAL_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Could not register exit handler : %s"), strerror(errno)); exit(INCORRECT); } if ((signal(SIGINT, sig_exit) == SIG_ERR) || (signal(SIGQUIT, sig_exit) == SIG_ERR) || (signal(SIGTERM, sig_exit) == SIG_ERR) || (signal(SIGSEGV, sig_segv) == SIG_ERR) || (signal(SIGBUS, sig_bus) == SIG_ERR) || (signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR) || (signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR)) { system_log(FATAL_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Could not set signal handlers : %s"), strerror(errno)); exit(INCORRECT); } if ((ptr = lock_proc(AFDDS_LOCK_ID, NO)) != NULL) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Process AFDDS already started by %s"), ptr); (void)fprintf(stderr, _("Process AFDDS already started by %s : (%s %d)\n"), ptr, __FILE__, __LINE__); _exit(INCORRECT); } /* * Get clock ticks per second, so we can calculate the transfer time. */ if ((clktck = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)) <= 0) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Could not get clock ticks per second : %s (%s %d)\n"), strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(INCORRECT); } /* * Get maximum number of links to determine danger_no_of_jobs. */ #ifdef _LINK_MAX_TEST danger_no_of_jobs = LINKY_MAX; #else # ifdef REDUCED_LINK_MAX danger_no_of_jobs = REDUCED_LINK_MAX; # else (void)strcpy(p_work_dir_end, AFD_FILE_DIR); if ((danger_no_of_jobs = pathconf(work_dir, _PC_LINK_MAX)) == -1) { system_log(DEBUG_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("pathconf() _PC_LINK_MAX error, setting to %d : %s"), _POSIX_LINK_MAX, strerror(errno)); danger_no_of_jobs = _POSIX_LINK_MAX; } *p_work_dir_end = '\0'; # endif #endif danger_no_of_jobs = danger_no_of_jobs / 2; /* Attach to the AFD Status Area. */ if (attach_afd_status(NULL, WAIT_AFD_STATUS_ATTACH) < 0) { system_log(FATAL_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Failed to map to AFD status area.")); exit(INCORRECT); } method = afd_encrypt_server_method(); if ((ctx = SSL_CTX_new(method)) == NULL) { system_log(FATAL_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Unable to create SSL context.")); exit(INCORRECT); } /* Set certificate and key if they exist. */ configure_context(ctx); (void)memset((struct sockaddr *) &data, 0, sizeof(data)); data.sin_family = AF_INET; if (bind_address[0] == '\0') { data.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; } else { data.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(bind_address); } do { if ((p_service = getservbyname(port_no, "tcp"))) { data.sin_port = htons(ntohs((u_short)p_service->s_port)); } else if ((data.sin_port = htons((u_short)atoi(port_no))) == 0) { system_log(FATAL_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to copy service to structure."); exit(INCORRECT); } if ((p_protocol = getprotobyname("tcp")) == 0) { system_log(FATAL_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Failed to get protocol tcp : %s"), strerror(errno)); exit(INCORRECT); } if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, p_protocol->p_proto)) < 0) { system_log(FATAL_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Could not create socket : %s"), strerror(errno)); exit(INCORRECT); } if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&on, sizeof(on)) < 0) { system_log(FATAL_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("setsockopt() error : %s"), strerror(errno)); (void)close(sockfd); exit(INCORRECT); } if ((status = bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &data, sizeof(data))) == -1) { ports_tried++; port++; if (snprintf(port_no, MAX_INT_LENGTH, "%d", port) > MAX_INT_LENGTH) { system_log(FATAL_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("port number %d to large for buffer."), port); (void)close(sockfd); exit(INCORRECT); } if ((errno != EADDRINUSE) || (ports_tried > 100)) { system_log(FATAL_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("bind() error : %s"), strerror(errno)); (void)close(sockfd); exit(INCORRECT); } if (close(sockfd) == -1) { system_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("close() error : %s"), strerror(errno)); } } } while (status == -1); if (bind_address[0] == '\0') { system_log(INFO_SIGN, NULL, 0, _("Starting %s at port %d (%s)"), AFDDS, port, PACKAGE_VERSION); } else { system_log(INFO_SIGN, NULL, 0, _("Starting %s at port %d on %s (%s)"), AFDDS, port, bind_address, PACKAGE_VERSION); } if (listen(sockfd, 5) == -1) { system_log(FATAL_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("listen() error : %s"), strerror(errno)); (void)close(sockfd); exit(INCORRECT); } FD_ZERO(&rset); for (;;) { /* Initialise descriptor set. */ FD_SET(sockfd, &rset); timeout.tv_usec = 0L; timeout.tv_sec = 5L; if (select(sockfd + 1, &rset, NULL, NULL, &timeout) < 0) { (void)close(sockfd); if (errno != EBADF) { system_log(FATAL_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("select() error : %s"), strerror(errno)); } exit(INCORRECT); } if (FD_ISSET(sockfd, &rset)) { char remote_ip_str[MAX_IP_LENGTH]; if ((new_sockfd = accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&peer_address, &peer_addrlen)) < 0) { system_log(FATAL_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("accept() error : %s"), strerror(errno)); (void)close(sockfd); exit(INCORRECT); } (void)strcpy(remote_ip_str, inet_ntoa(peer_address.sin_addr)); if (number_of_trusted_ips > 0) { int gotcha = NO, i; for (i = 0; i < number_of_trusted_ips; i++) { if (pmatch(trusted_ip[i], remote_ip_str, NULL) == 0) { gotcha = YES; trusted_ip_pos = i; break; } } if (gotcha == NO) { system_log(DEBUG_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("AFDDS: Illegal access from %s"), remote_ip_str); (void)close(new_sockfd); continue; } } else { trusted_ip_pos = 0; } if (no_of_connections >= max_afdds_connections) { system_log(DEBUG_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("AFDDS: Connection attempt from %s, but denied because max connection (%d) reached."), remote_ip_str, max_afdds_connections); } else { system_log(DEBUG_SIGN, NULL, 0, _("AFDDS: Connection from %s"), remote_ip_str); } ssl = SSL_new(ctx); SSL_set_fd(ssl, new_sockfd); if ((status = SSL_accept(ssl)) <= 0) { status = SSL_get_error(ssl, status); switch (status) { case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL : system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("SSL_accept() error (%d) : %s"), status, strerror(errno)); break; default : /* Error */ system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("SSL_accept() error (%d)"), status); break; } SSL_shutdown(ssl); SSL_free(ssl); (void)close(new_sockfd); } else { if (no_of_connections >= max_afdds_connections) { char reply[73 + MAX_INT_LENGTH]; length = snprintf(reply, 73 + MAX_INT_LENGTH, "421 Service not available. There are currently to many connections (%d).\r\n", no_of_connections); if (length > (73 + MAX_INT_LENGTH)) { system_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Storage for writting reply to short, should be at least %d bytes.", length); length = 73 + MAX_INT_LENGTH; reply[length - 2] = '\r'; reply[length - 1] = '\n'; } if (ssl_write(ssl, reply, length) != length) { system_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to write() reply to socket: %s", strerror(errno)); } SSL_shutdown(ssl); SSL_free(ssl); (void)close(new_sockfd); } else { if ((pos = get_free_connection(max_afdds_connections)) < 0) { if (ssl_write(ssl, "421 Service not available.\r\n", 28) != 28) { system_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to ssl_write() `421 Service not available' to socket: %s", strerror(errno)); } SSL_shutdown(ssl); SSL_free(ssl); (void)close(new_sockfd); } else { switch (pid[pos] = fork()) { case -1 : /* Could not generate process. */ system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("fork() error : %s"), strerror(errno)); SSL_shutdown(ssl); SSL_free(ssl); (void)close(new_sockfd); break; case 0 : /* Child process to serve user. */ in_child = YES; (void)close(sockfd); handle_request(ssl, new_sockfd, pos, trusted_ip_pos, remote_ip_str); exit(0); default : /* Parent process. */ SSL_shutdown(ssl); SSL_free(ssl); (void)close(new_sockfd); no_of_connections++; break; } } } } } /* if (FD_ISSET(sockfd, &rset)) */ zombie_check(); } /* for (;;) */ } /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++ configure_context() +++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ static void configure_context(SSL_CTX *ctx) { char filename[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; (void)snprintf(filename, MAX_PATH_LENGTH, "%s%s/%s", p_work_dir, ETC_DIR, AFDDS_CERT_FILENAME); if (eaccess(filename, R_OK) == 0) { int status; if ((status = SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(ctx, filename)) <= 0) { } else { (void)snprintf(filename, MAX_PATH_LENGTH, "%s%s/%s", p_work_dir, ETC_DIR, AFDDS_KEY_FILENAME); if (eaccess(filename, R_OK) == 0) { if ((status = SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, filename, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)) <= 0) { } } } } return; } /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ zombie_check() +++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ /* -------------- */ /* Description : Checks if any process is finished (zombie), if this */ /* is the case it is killed with waitpid(). */ /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ static void zombie_check(void) { int i, status; /* Did any of the jobs become zombies? */ for (i = 0; i < max_afdds_connections; i++) { if ((pid[i] > 0) && (waitpid(pid[i], &status, WNOHANG) > 0)) { if (WIFEXITED(status)) { pid[i] = 0; no_of_connections--; } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) { /* Abnormal termination. */ pid[i] = 0; no_of_connections--; } else if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) { /* Child stopped. */; } } } return; } /*+++++++++++++++++++++++ get_afdds_config_value() ++++++++++++++++++++++*/ static void get_afdds_config_value(char *bind_address, char *port_no, int *max_afdds_connections) { char *buffer; (void)snprintf(afd_config_file, MAX_PATH_LENGTH + ETC_DIR_LENGTH + AFD_CONFIG_FILE_LENGTH + 1, "%s%s%s", p_work_dir, ETC_DIR, AFD_CONFIG_FILE); if ((eaccess(afd_config_file, F_OK) == 0) && (read_file_no_cr(afd_config_file, &buffer, YES, __FILE__, __LINE__) != INCORRECT)) { char *ptr = buffer, value[MAX_IP_LENGTH + 1 + MAX_INT_LENGTH + 1]; #ifdef HAVE_SETPRIORITY if (get_definition(buffer, AFDDS_PRIORITY_DEF, value, MAX_INT_LENGTH) != NULL) { if (setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, atoi(value)) == -1) { system_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to set priority to %d : %s", atoi(value), strerror(errno)); } } #endif if (get_definition(buffer, MAX_AFDD_CONNECTIONS_DEF, value, MAX_INT_LENGTH) != NULL) { *max_afdds_connections = atoi(value); if (*max_afdds_connections < 0) { system_log(DEBUG_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Incorrect value (%d) set in AFD_CONFIG for %s. Setting to default %d."), *max_afdds_connections, MAX_AFDD_CONNECTIONS_DEF, MAX_AFDD_CONNECTIONS); *max_afdds_connections = MAX_AFDD_CONNECTIONS; } } if (get_definition(buffer, AFD_TLS_PORT_DEF, value, MAX_IP_LENGTH + 1 + MAX_INT_LENGTH) != NULL) { int i = 0, lower_limit = 49152, port, upper_limit = 65535; char *tmp_ptr; tmp_ptr = value; while ((*tmp_ptr != ':') && (*tmp_ptr != '\0')) { if (i < MAX_IP_LENGTH) { bind_address[i] = *tmp_ptr; i++; } tmp_ptr++; } if (*tmp_ptr == ':') { tmp_ptr++; if (i == MAX_IP_LENGTH) { system_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Address for listening is to long (>= %d). Ignoring.", MAX_IP_LENGTH); bind_address[0] = '\0'; } else { bind_address[i] = '\0'; } i = 0; while (*tmp_ptr != '\0') { if (i < MAX_INT_LENGTH) { port_no[i] = *tmp_ptr; i++; } tmp_ptr++; } if (i == MAX_INT_LENGTH) { system_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Port for listening is to long (>= %d). Setting to default %s.", MAX_INT_LENGTH, DEFAULT_AFD_TLS_PORT_NO); (void)strcpy(port_no, DEFAULT_AFD_TLS_PORT_NO); } else { port_no[i] = '\0'; } } else { if (i == MAX_INT_LENGTH) { system_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Port for listening is to long (>= %d). Setting to default %s.", MAX_INT_LENGTH, DEFAULT_AFD_TLS_PORT_NO); (void)strcpy(port_no, DEFAULT_AFD_TLS_PORT_NO); } else { (void)memcpy(port_no, bind_address, i); port_no[i] = '\0'; } bind_address[0] = '\0'; } port = atoi(port_no); #ifdef LINUX get_ip_local_port_range(&lower_limit, &upper_limit); #endif if ((port < lower_limit) && (port > upper_limit)) { system_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Setting %s to %d, but it is not in the valid range (lower limit = %d, upper limit = %d)."), AFD_TLS_PORT_DEF, port, lower_limit, upper_limit); } } if (get_definition(buffer, AFD_TCP_LOGS_DEF, value, MAX_INT_LENGTH) != NULL) { default_log_defs = atoi(value); } /* * Read all IP-numbers that may connect to AFDDS. If none is found * all IP's may connect. */ do { if ((ptr = get_definition(ptr, TRUSTED_REMOTE_IP_DEF, value, MAX_IP_LENGTH)) != NULL) { int counter = 0; char *check_ptr; check_ptr = value; while (((isdigit((int)(*check_ptr))) || (*check_ptr == '*') || (*check_ptr == '?')) && (counter < 3)) { check_ptr++; counter++; } if ((counter < 4) && (*check_ptr == '.')) { check_ptr++; counter = 0; while (((isdigit((int)(*check_ptr))) || (*check_ptr == '*') || (*check_ptr == '?')) && (counter < 3)) { check_ptr++; counter++; } if ((counter < 4) && (*check_ptr == '.')) { check_ptr++; counter = 0; while (((isdigit((int)(*check_ptr))) || (*check_ptr == '*') || (*check_ptr == '?')) && (counter < 3)) { check_ptr++; counter++; } if ((counter < 4) && (*check_ptr == '.')) { check_ptr++; counter = 0; while (((isdigit((int)(*check_ptr))) || (*check_ptr == '*') || (*check_ptr == '?')) && (counter < 4)) { check_ptr++; counter++; } if ((counter < 4) && ((*check_ptr == '\n') || (*check_ptr == '\0'))) { number_of_trusted_ips++; if (number_of_trusted_ips == 1) { RT_ARRAY(trusted_ip, number_of_trusted_ips, MAX_IP_LENGTH, char); if ((ip_log_defs = malloc(sizeof(int))) == NULL) { system_log(FATAL_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Failed to malloc() %d bytes : %s"), sizeof(int), strerror(errno)); exit(INCORRECT); } ip_log_defs[0] = default_log_defs; } else { REALLOC_RT_ARRAY(trusted_ip, number_of_trusted_ips, MAX_IP_LENGTH, char); if ((ip_log_defs = realloc(ip_log_defs, number_of_trusted_ips * sizeof(int))) == NULL) { system_log(FATAL_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Failed to realloc() %d bytes : %s"), number_of_trusted_ips * sizeof(int), strerror(errno)); exit(INCORRECT); } ip_log_defs[number_of_trusted_ips - 1] = default_log_defs; } (void)strcpy(trusted_ip[number_of_trusted_ips - 1], value); } /* Check if log definitions have been added for this ip. */ if (*ptr == ' ') { while (*ptr == ' ') { ptr++; } counter = 0; check_ptr = ptr; while ((isdigit((int)(*check_ptr))) && (*check_ptr != '\n') && (*check_ptr != '\0') && (counter < MAX_INT_LENGTH)) { check_ptr++; counter++; } if (check_ptr != ptr) { ip_log_defs[number_of_trusted_ips - 1] = atoi(ptr); } } } } } } } while (ptr != NULL); free(buffer); if (ip_log_defs == NULL) { if ((ip_log_defs = malloc(sizeof(int))) == NULL) { system_log(FATAL_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Failed to malloc() %d bytes : %s"), sizeof(int), strerror(errno)); exit(INCORRECT); } ip_log_defs[0] = default_log_defs; } } return; } #ifdef LINUX # define LOCAL_IP_RANGE_PROC_FILE "/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range" /*---------------------- get_ip_local_port_range() ----------------------*/ static void get_ip_local_port_range(int *lower_limit, int *upper_limit) { int fd, i, ret; char buffer[MAX_INT_LENGTH + 1 + MAX_INT_LENGTH + 1], *ptr, str_number[MAX_INT_LENGTH + 1]; if ((fd = open(LOCAL_IP_RANGE_PROC_FILE, O_RDONLY)) == -1) { system_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to open() %s : %s", LOCAL_IP_RANGE_PROC_FILE, strerror(errno)); return; } if ((ret = read(fd, buffer, MAX_INT_LENGTH + 1 + MAX_INT_LENGTH)) == -1) { system_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to read() %s : %s", LOCAL_IP_RANGE_PROC_FILE, strerror(errno)); (void)close(fd); return; } buffer[ret] = '\0'; if (close(fd) == -1) { system_log(DEBUG_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to close() %s : %s", LOCAL_IP_RANGE_PROC_FILE, strerror(errno)); } ptr = buffer; while ((*ptr == ' ') || (*ptr == '\t')) { ptr++; } i = 0; while ((isdigit(*ptr)) && (i < MAX_INT_LENGTH) && (*ptr != '\0')) { str_number[i] = *ptr; i++; ptr++; } if ((i > 0) && (i < MAX_INT_LENGTH)) { str_number[i] = '\0'; *lower_limit = atoi(str_number); } else { return; } while ((*ptr == ' ') || (*ptr == '\t')) { ptr++; } i = 0; while ((isdigit(*ptr)) && (i < MAX_INT_LENGTH) && (*ptr != '\0')) { str_number[i] = *ptr; i++; ptr++; } if ((i > 0) && (i < MAX_INT_LENGTH)) { str_number[i] = '\0'; *upper_limit = atoi(str_number); } else { return; } return; } #endif /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ afdds_exit() ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ static void afdds_exit(void) { if (in_child == NO) { int kill_counter = 0, i; pid_t *kill_list; if ((kill_list = malloc(max_afdds_connections * sizeof(pid_t))) == NULL) { (void)system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "malloc() error : %s", strerror(errno)); } /* Kill all child process. */ for (i = 0; i < max_afdds_connections; i++) { if (pid[i] > 0) { if (kill(pid[i], SIGINT) == -1) { if (errno != ESRCH) { system_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, #if SIZEOF_PID_T == 4 _("Failed to kill() %d : %s"), #else _("Failed to kill() %lld : %s"), #endif (pri_pid_t)pid[i], strerror(errno)); } } else { if (kill_list != NULL) { kill_list[kill_counter] = pid[i]; kill_counter++; } } } } if ((kill_counter > 0) && (kill_list != NULL)) { int j; pid_t returned_pid; /* Give them some time to terminate themself. */ (void)my_usleep(100000); /* Catch zombies. */ for (i = 0; i < kill_counter; i++) { if (kill_list[i] != 0) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if ((returned_pid = waitpid(kill_list[i], NULL, WNOHANG)) > 0) { if (returned_pid == kill_list[i]) { kill_list[i] = 0; break; } else { int k; for (k = 0; k < kill_counter; k++) { if (returned_pid == kill_list[k]) { kill_list[i] = 0; k = kill_counter; } } my_usleep(100000); } } else { my_usleep(100000); } } } } for (i = 0; i < kill_counter; i++) { if (kill_list[i] != 0) { if (kill(kill_list[i], SIGKILL) != -1) { system_log(DEBUG_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, #if SIZEOF_PID_T == 4 _("Killed %s (%d) the hard way!"), #else _("Killed %s (%lld) the hard way!"), #endif AFDDS, (pri_pid_t)kill_list[i]); } } } } free(kill_list); system_log(INFO_SIGN, NULL, 0, _("Stopped %s."), AFDDS); } (void)close(sockfd); SSL_CTX_free(ctx); (void)close(new_sockfd); (void)close(sys_log_fd); return; } /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ sig_segv() +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ static void sig_segv(int signo) { system_log(FATAL_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Aaarrrggh! Received SIGSEGV.")); afdds_exit(); /* Dump core so we know what happened. */ abort(); } /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ sig_bus() ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ static void sig_bus(int signo) { system_log(FATAL_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Uuurrrggh! Received SIGBUS.")); afdds_exit(); /* Dump core so we know what happened. */ abort(); } /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ sig_exit() ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ static void sig_exit(int signo) { int ret; (void)fprintf(stderr, #if SIZEOF_PID_T == 4 "%s terminated by signal %d (%d)\n", #else "%s terminated by signal %d (%lld)\n", #endif AFDDS, signo, (pri_pid_t)getpid()); if ((signo == SIGINT) || (signo == SIGTERM)) { ret = SUCCESS; } else { ret = INCORRECT; } exit(ret); }